Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Stupid Birthdays

Yeah, yeah, it was my birthday. I don't know what the big deal is, I hate birthdays. Everyone is just looking at me, think man, he is older now, look how fat he is. I KNOW I am the fat one. I should just kill myself.

My stupid "friends" didn't even get me a present, until I threatened to leave. How lame is that. Finally I got the most metal gift ever. Nathan gave me, President Kennedy's Dethcar with the driver's seat replaced with Lincoln's Dethchair. Best of all I got a chance to destroy it at the first-ever "Dethklok Dethmolition Klok-a-matae Deth Derby".

Yeah, it was cool. Not as cool as playing bass with my dick, but these guys don't know better.

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